A4: Successful PhD defense!

We’re very proud and happy to announce that a member of Project A4 was awarded his PhD thesis in December!

Pratik Bhandari defended his thesis “Interaction of top-down and bottom-up processes in spoken language comprehension” on December 7th.

Many congratulations to you!

LangSci *Special Series* Natalia Levshina on December 8th!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Natalia Levshina from the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics will give a talk on „Communicative Efficiency: Language Structure and Use„.


The virtual talk will take place via Zoom on Thursday (8th December) at 16:15!


New Publication by Project A4

New publication by members of project A4 has been accepted to SLT 2022.

„A Data-Driven Investigation of Noise-Adaptive Utterance Generation with Linguistic Modification“ by Anupama Chingacham, Vera Demberg, Dietrich Klakow.

LangSci *Special Series* Jacob Eisenstein on November 17th!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Jacob Eisenstein from Google AI will give a talk on „Detecting Intellectual Influence from Dynamic Word Embeddings: Applications to Historical Newspapers and Contemporary Research Articles„.

The virtual talk will take place via Zoom on  Thursday at 16:15!

LangSci talk by Carola Trips on November 3rd!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Carola Trips, Chair of English Linguistics at University of Mannheim, will give a talk on „Becoming selfish: The rise of reflexivity and self compounds in Middle English under the contact hypothesis„.

The hybrid talk will take place in building A 2.2, room 2.02. and on MS Teams this Thursday at 16:15!

LangSci talk by Preslav Nakov on October 28th!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Preslav Nakov from the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence will give a talk on “Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic: from Fake News to Harmful Content„.

The talk will take place as a hybrid event in A2.2 room 2.02 and via MS Teams tomorrow at 14:30!


LangSci talk by Ann Bradlow on October 21st!

In our second LangSci colloquium talk this week, Ann Bradlow from the Department of Linguistics at the Northwestern University will talk about „Non-adaptative and adaptive phonetic variation | L2 speech and clear speech“.

The hybrid talk will take place in A2.2 room 2.02 and via MS Teams at 14:15!

LangSci talk by Jennifer Arnold on October 20th!

In the first LangSci talk of the Winter Semester, Jennifer Arnold from the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at
UNC Chapel Hill will talk about „You learn what you hear: Discourse exposure guides pronoun comprehension“.

The talk will take place as a hybrid event in A2.2 room 2.02 and via MS Teams at 16:15!

C1 publishes new article in JASA!

A paper by members of project C1 has been published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

The combined effects of contextual predictability and noise on the acoustic realisation of German syllables“ by Omnia Ibrahim, Ivan Yuen, Marjolein van Os, Bistra Andreeva, and Bernd Möbius.

A4 publishes new article in Language and Cognition!

A new article by the members of project A4 has been published in the journal Language and Cognition.

Predictability effects in degraded speech comprehension are reduced as a function of attention“ by Pratik Bhandari, Vera Demberg, and Jutta Kray.
