- Lisa Schäfer, The licensing and usage of topic drop in German, 2024. (Project B3)
- Koel Dutta Chowdhury, A Representation Learning Based Approach to the Study of Translationese, 2024. (Project B6)
- Clayton Greenberg, Evaluating humanness in language models, 2024. (Project B4)
- Badr M. Abdullah, The representation of speech variability and variation in deep neural networks, 2024. (Project C4)
- Linda Sommerfeld, Predictive language processing in the complex visual world in children and adults, 2024. (Project A5)
- Julia Anuschka Meßmer, A functional perspective on schema-based learning and recognition of novel word associations, 2024. (Project A6)
- Marius Mosbach, Analyzing pre-trained and fine-tuned language models, 2024. (Project B4)
- Christoph Aurnhammer, Expectation-based retrieval and integration in language comprehension, 2024. (Project A1)
- Fangzhou Zhai, Towards wider coverage script knowledge for NLP, 2023. (Project A3)
- Mikey Elmers, Evaluating pause particles and their functions in natural and synthesized speech in laboratory and lecture settings, 2023. (Project C1)
- Raphael Werner, The phonetics of speech breathing : pauses, physiology, acoustics, and perception, 2023. (Project C1)
- Sophia Voigtmann, Wie Informationsdichte Extraposition beeinflusst. Eine Korpusuntersuchung an wissenschaftlichen Texten des Frühneuhochdeutschen, 2023. (Project C6)
- Marie-Pauline Krielke, Optimizing Scientific Communication: The Role of Relative Clauses as Markers of Complexity in English and German Scientific Writing between 1650 and 1900, 2023. (Project B1)
- Marjolein van Os, Rational Speech Comprehension: Effects of Predictability and Background Noise, 2023. (Project A4)
- Pratik Bhandari, Interaction of top-down and bottom-up processes in spoken language comprehension, 2022. (Project A4)
- Michael Hedderich, Weak Supervision and Label Noise Handling for Natural Language Processing in Low-Resource Scenarios, 2022. (Project B4)
- Omnia Ibrahim, Speaker adaptations as a function of message, channel and listener variability, 2022, University of Zürich. (Project C1)
- Jacek Kudera, Slavic Receptive Multilingualism: Intercomprehension of Speech, 2022. (Project C4)
- Katrin Ortmann, Computational Methods for Investigating Syntactic Change: Automatic Identification of Extraposition in Modern and Historical German, 2022. (Project C6)
- Iona Gessinger, Phonetic Accommodation of Human Interlocutors in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction, 2021. (Project C1)
- David M. Howcroft, Learning to Generate: Baysian nonparametric approaches to inducing rules for natural language generation, 2021. (Project A4)
- Katja Kravtchenko, Integrating pragmatic reasoning in an Efficiency-based theory of utterance choice, 2021. (Project A3)
- Eran Raveh, Vocal Accommodation in Human-Computer Interaction: Modeling and Integration into Spoken Dialogue Systems, 2021. (Project C1)
- Iliana Simova, Towards the Extraction of Cross-sentence Relations through Event Extraction and Entity Coreference, 2021. (Project B5)
- Johannes Tröger, Executive Function and Semantic Memory Impairments in Alzheimer’s Disease—Investigating the Decline of Executive Function and Semantic Memory in Alzheimer’s Disease through Computer-Supported Qualitative Analysis of Semantic Verbal Fluency and its Applications in Clinical Decision Support, 2021. (Project A4)
- Yoana Vergilova, The Lateralization of Expectations: Hemispheric Differences in Top-down and Bottom-up Word Processing in Context, 2021. (Project C3/A5)
- Gerrit Höltje, Interactions between immediate and delayed feedback processing and memory encoding : an investigation using event-related potentials, 2020. (Project A6)
- Torsten Jachmann, The Immediate Influence of Speaker Gaze on Situated Speech Comprehension: Evidence from Multiple ERP Components, 2020. (Project C3)
- Tyll Robin Lemke, Experimental investigations on the syntax and usage of fragments, 2020. (Project B3)
- Wei Shi, Addressing the Data Bottleneck in Implicit Discourse Relation Classification, 2020. (Project B2)
- Elli Nantia Tourtouri, Rational redundancy in situated communication, 2020. (Project C3)
- Christine Susanne Ankener, The influence of visual information on word predictability and processing effort, 2019. (Project A5)
- Erika Brandt, Information density and phonetic structure: Explaining segmental variability, 2019. (Project C1)
- Jesús Calvillo, Connectionist language production : distributed representations and the uniform information density hypothesis, 2019. (Project C3)
- Klára Jágrová, Reading Polish with Czech Eyes: Quantitative, Qualitative and Error Analyses of Intelligibility, 2019. (Project C4)
- Simon Ostermann, Script knowledge for natural language understanding, 2019. (Project A3)
- Merel Cléo Johanna Scholman, Coherence relations in discourse and cognition : comparing approaches, annotations, and interpretations, 2019. (Project B2)
- Mirjana Sekicki, Exploiting referential gaze for uncertainty reduction in situated language processing: an information-theoretic approach, 2019. (Project A5)
- Irina Stenger, Zur Rolle der Orthographie in der slavischen Interkomprehension mit besonderem Fokus auf die kyrillische Schrift, 2019. (Project C4)
- Lilian Diana Awuor Wanzare, Script acquisition : a crowdsourcing and text mining approach, 2019. (Project A3)
- Youssef Oualil, Sequential estimation techniques and application to multiple speaker tracking and language modeling, 2017. (Project B4)
- Christina Pollkläsener, Exploring explicitation and implicitation of connectives in simultaneous interpreting within the framework of rational communication, MA, 2023. (B7)
- Hannah Marie Schumacher, Analysis of sentence-initial discourse markers and their surprisal values in the interpreting corpus EPIC UdS, MA, 2023. (Project B7)
- Kwabena Amponsah-Kaakyire, Simple, Time-and-Resource-Saving (STaRS) Architecture for NLP, MSc, 2021. (Project B6)
- Tanja Bäumle, „please continue this –uh– …“: How speech disfluencies facilitate unpredictable completions, MA, 2021. (Project C3)
- Julia Bläser, Surprisal and Terminological Density as Influencing Factors for Translationese as an Idicator of Translation Quality, MA, 2021. (Projects B1, B7)
- Lisa Bone, Konnektoren als Kohäsionsmittel im mündlichen und schriftlichen Sprachgebrauch des Deutschen – ein korpusbasierter Vergleich am Beispiel politischer Redebeiträge, MA, 2021. (Project B7)
- Anssi Bwalya, Dog, Cat, … Pterodactyl: Selection Abilities and the Development of Semantic Verbal Fluency, MA, 2021. (Project A5)
- Kathryn Fisher, Speaking informatively: investigating rational communication strategies in visually-situated contexts, MSc, 2021. (Project C3)
- Fabian Gössl, Assessing Language Grounding in the Read To Fight Monsters Task, MSc, 2021. (Project B4)
- Marimuthu Kalimuthu, Fusion Models for Integrating Auxiliary Language Models into Image Captioning, MSc, 2021. (Project B4)
- Anya Kohkhlova, Disentangling the N400 and the P600 in the Time-Frequency domain: A feasibility study, MSc, 2021. (Project A1)
- Sabine Loskyll, The Language of Defendants: A Diachronic Study of Language Variation across Social Class and Gender, MA, 2021. (Project B1)
- Hong Hanh Phan, Der Einfluss der Vorhersagestärke auf das Gedächtnis, MA, 2021. (Project A6)
- Franziska Scheurer, An Information-Theoretic Approach to Reduction in Production: that-Complementizer-Omission in English Scientific Texts over Time, MA, 2021. (Project B1)
- Alexander Schütz, A Corpus-Based Study of English Shining-Through on German Target Texts, MA, 2021. (Project B7)
- Georg Seiler, Qualitative Inkongruenzen von Koreferenzketten im englisch-deutschen Vergleich, MA, 2021. (Project B7)
- Luuk Suurmeijer, Compositionality in Distributional Formal Semantics, MSc, 2021. (Projects C3, A1)
- Yasmin Arbelaiz, Diachronic analysis of translationese in EuroParl: Corpus-based comparisons of Spanish function words using KLD and standard deviation, MA, 2020. (Projects B1, B7)
- Yu-Wen Chen, Automatic Detection of Different Types of Translation Based on the Translationese Features, MSc, 2020. (Project B6)
- Philipp Dankleff, Optional that in Simultaneous interpreting, MA, 2020. (Project B7)
- Martin van Harmelen, Modelling Event-Related Potentials using Regression-Based Waveform Estimation, MSc, 2020. (Project A1)
- Anna Kenter, Giving machines a voice: Creating and evaluating a human-distinct voice option for text-to-speech synthesis, MSc, 2020. (Project C1)
- Kevin Klesen, Der Einfluss von Schemata auf das Erlernen und den Abruf neuer Komposita, MA, 2020. (Project A6)
- Sasha Mayn, Modeling Spoken (Related) Language Comprehension, MSc, 2020. (Project C4)
- Simon Preißner, Similar, but Different: Unsupervised Detection of Semantic Shifts in Diachronic Word Embeddings, MSc, 2020. (Project B1)
- Peter Schneider, An Information-Theoretic Approach to Word Formation: Compounding vs. Analytic Expressions, MA, 2020. (Project B1)
- Sven Stauden, Robustness of Question Answering Models against Adversarial Attacks, MSc, 2020. (Project B4)
- Lena Wieland, An Information-Theoretic Approach to the Variation in Language use: A case study on the HELP TO construction in English scientific writing across 300 years, MA, 2020. (Project B1)
- Rajarshi Biswas, Diverse Image Caption Generation and Automated Human Judgement through Active Learning, MSc, 2019. (Project B4)
- Anilkumar Erapanakoppal Swamy, Analyzing the generalization ability of Transformers for solving combinatorial optimization problems, MSc, 2019. (Project B4)
- Mark Klöckner, Diachrone Korpusuntersuchung von Adjektive-Nomen-Kookkurrenzen im Englischen, MA, 2019. (Project B1)
- Brielen Lasota, Semi-supervised learning of event descriptions in large corpora, MSc, 2019. (Project A3)
- Daria Pylypenko, Impact of real-world knowledge on the decodability of natural language commands in the navigation environment, MSc, 2019. (Project B4)
- Margarita Ryzhova, The cost of pragmatic inferences triggered by informationally redundant utterances, MSc, 2019. (Project A3)
- Julia Wichlacz, Generating Instructions for Minecraft Using Planning, MSc, 2019. (Project A7)
- Dawei Zhu, Manipulating Images with Natural Language, MSc, 2019. (Project B4)
- Francesca Capuano, A Distributed Situation-state Space Model of Event Knowledge, MSc, 2018. (Projects A1, C3)
- Christine Muljadi, Predicting verbs: how visual context affects verb surprisal and processing effort, MSc, 2018. (Project A5)
- Johannah O’Mahony, Exemplar Effects in Instances of Perceptual Learning and Abstraction, MSc, 2018. (Project C1)
- Katrin Ortmann, Automatische Bestimmung von Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit, MA, 2018. (Project C6)
- Lennart Schmeling, Effects of Information Density on Phonetic Realizations of L1 and L2 Speakers in Read Speech, MSc, 2018. (Project C1)
- Polina Stadnikova, Effective Sentence Generation for Minecraft, MSc, 2018. (Project A7)
- Fangzhou Zhai, Globally coherent story generation, MSc, 2018. (Project A3)
- Denise Klein, Reparaturanalyse im Dolmetschprozess: Eine korpusbasierte Analyse unter Verwendung eines Sprachproduktionsmodells, BA, 2024. (Project B7)
- Lars Budnick, Automatische Verbesserung der POS-Tags im Deutschen Text Archiv mittels Decision Trees, BSc, 2021. (Project C6)
- Christopher Chandler, From T’es Qui to Qui Es-Tu: A Naïve Bayesian Approach to Assessing Literate and Oral Discourse in Non-standard French Language Data, BA, 2021. (Project C6)
- Lisa Kluge, Detecting Pre- and Postconditions in Script-Events using a Pattern-based Approach, BSc, 2021. (Project A3)
- Myeongju Lee, Füllpartikel und Korpus gesprochener Sprache, BA, 2021. (Project C1)
- Alena Niesen, Das Phänomen der falschen Erinnerungen: Bestehen widerlegte Erwartungen fort?, BA, 2021. (Project A5)
- Sonja Rieth, Die Entwicklung der Wortflüssigkeit im Alter zwischen 5 und 12 Jahren, BA, 2021. (Project A5)
- Michael Vrazitulis, Are /@/ and /1/ Merged in Aromanian? Examining Their Acoustic Quality Across Indexical, Syntactic and Phonetic Parameters, BSc, 2021. (Project C1)
- Ludmilla Borinsenkov, Relating Neurophysiological and Behavioral Metrics of Surprisal in Language Comprehension, BSc, 2020. (Project A1)
- Nadja Burgwinkel, Lesezeiten von Nomen in Abhängigkeit ihrer (kontextuellen) Erwartbarkeit sowie dem Grad ihrer Assiziationsstärke mit einem vorangehenden Verb, BA, 2020. (Project A5)
- Leon Christidis, Dances with schemas – How sentential constraint and expectancy mismatches affect memory formation, BA, 2020. (Project A6)
- Leonie Harter, Annotieren natürlichsprachlicher Texte mit Script-Events: ein neuronaler Ansatz, BSc, 2020. (Project A3)
- Lisa Kluge, Detecting pre- and postconditions in script events using a pattern-based approach, BSc, 2020. (Project A3)
- Pascal Lauer, Unary Relaxation, BSc, 2020. (Project A7)
- Yuchen Liao, Simplification of verbs in interpreting and translation based on European Parliament Corpora, BA, 2020. (Project B7)
- Nicole Macher, A Recurrent Neural Model of Spoken Word Recognition, BSc, 2020. (Projects C4, A1)
- Christina Pollkläsener, A Comparison of Discourse Particles in English Original and Simultaneous Interpreted Speeches, BA, 2020. (Project B7)
- Lika-Maria Ranker, Der Einfluß semantischer Kongruenz auf frontale Theta-Oszillationen während der Gedächtnisbildung, BA, 2020. (Project A6)
- Janis Reimringer, Quality Criteria in Simultaneous Interpreting – The Role of Fluency in Perceived Quality in Simultaneous Interpreting, BA, 2020. (Project B7)
- Richard Gerbracht, Extraposition in German: Annotation and Detection, BSc, 2019. (Project C6)
- Nora Graichen, Comparison of two Pupillometric Measures: Cognitive Load induced through the Plausibility of Verb Arguments, BA, 2019. (Project A5)
- Rudy Khalil, Data Collection, Analysis and Neural Baseline for Graph Description Generation, BSc, 2019. (Project A3)
- Carlotta Quensel, Zur automatischen Erkennung der Satzklammer anhand von Wortart-Tags in Texten des Deutschen, BA, 2019. (Project C6)
- Abdullah Raya, Statistical Situation Models and their Use in Language Comprehension, BSc, 2019. (Project A1)
- Lisa Schäfer, Topic Drop in German. Experimental Investigations on the Impact of Topicality and Grammatical Person, BA, 2019. (Project B3)
- Marian Schulz, Passive constructions in scientific writing: a diachronic corpus-based analysis, BA, 2019. (Project B1)
- Katharina Stein, Assessing the Effect of Visual Context on the Processing Effort of Verbs in a G-Maze Task, BA, 2018. (Project A5)
- Laura Welsch, Korpusanalyse im Saarbrücker Royal Society Corpus: Adjektiv-Nomen-Kollokationen im Laufe der Zeit, BA, 2018. (Project B1)
- Daniel Schott, Informationsdichte und Komplexität im Englischen – Ein diachroner Vergleich anhand des Royal Society Corpus, BA, 2017. (Project B1)