LangSci talk by Sharid Loáiciga on November 16th!

In our next LangSci talk of the semester, Sharid Loáiciga, Associate Senior Lecturer in Computational Linguistics and Coordinating Director of the Centre for linguistic theory and studies in probability (CLASP) at the University of Gothenburg, will give a talk on „Keeping reference in pre-trained language models and multimodal corpora„.

The hybrid talk will take place in building A 2.2, room 2.02. and on MS Teams November 16th at 16:15!

LangSci talk by Karin Harbusch on November 9th!

In our first LangSci talk of the semester, Karin Harbusch, professor at the Institut für Computervisualistik at the University of Koblenz, will give a talk on „Two new German corpora and their use: (1) A German Parallel Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis Corpus, and (2) A Treebank of Leichte Sprache texts„.

The hybrid talk will take place in building A 2.2, room 2.02. and on MS Teams November 9th at 16:15!

C1: Workshop @ Interspeech 2023


„Limits and benefits of information-theoretic perspectives in spoken communication“
Interspeech 2023 Satellite Workshop, Dublin, Aug 19, 2023

Organized by Bistra Andreeva, Omnia Ibrahim, Bernd Möbius, Ivan Yuen (all Saarland University), and James Whang (Seoul National University)

Information-theoretic factors have been identified and used to account for fine-grained phonetic variations in speech, as rational speakers and listeners can adapt speech to be efficient in transmitting information. As conversation unfolds, the distribution and density of information changes over time. It is therefore important to consider to what extent, and how, interlocutors track and predict these informational updates, which in turn guide linguistic and phonetic encoding. The workshop brought together researchers examining the limits and benefits of information-theoretic perspectives in dynamic spoken communication contexts, in both human-human and human-computer interaction.

Abstracts of presentations are available at the workshop website at

MGK students: Call for proposals for Small Grant Scheme – apply by October 15!

We are looking forward to recieving your proprosals by October 15, 2023. Detailed information can be found here.

LangSci talk by Jan Chromý on July 13th!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Jan Chromý, associate professor at the Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication at Charles University, will give a talk on „When and where did it happen? Systematic differences in recall of core and optional sentence information„.

The hybrid talk will take place in building A 2.2, room 2.02. and on MS Teams next Thursday at 16:15!

C1: Omnia Ibrahim awarded @ PaPe 2023

We are very proud to announce that Omnia Ibrahim received the „LabPhon best poster award“ at the Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference (PaPe 2023) in Nijmegen.

Many Congratulations!

LangSci talk by Nicole Gotzner on June 22nd!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Nicole Gotzner, professor and board member at the Cognitive Science Institute at Osnabrück University, will give a talk on „Alternatives in linguistic theory and language processing„.

The hybrid talk will take only on MS Teams next Thursday at 16:15!

LangSci talk by Joel Wallenberg on May 25th!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Joel Wallenberg, Senior Lecturer in Language Change at the University of York, will give a talk on „Syntactic Planning and the Information Threshold„.

The hybrid talk will take place in building A 2.2, room 2.02. and on MS Teams next Thursday at 16:15!

LangSci talk by Okko Räsänen on May 11th!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Okko Räsänen, Academy Research Fellow in Information Technology and Communication Sciences at Tampere University of Applied Sciences, will give a talk on „Making computers learn language like infants: what, why and how„.

The hybrid talk will take place in building A 2.2, room 2.02. and on MS Teams next Thursday at 16:15!

LangSci *Special Series* Hannah Rohde on April 20th!


In our next LangSci colloquium, Hannah Rohde from University of Edinburgh will give a talk on „Informativity in cooperative communication„.

The talk will take place as a hybrid event in building A2.2, room 1.20.2 and via MS Teams on Thursday (20th April) at 16:15!

