New journal paper by C4!

A paper by members of project C4 has been accepted for publication in the journal Language and Speech:

Phonetic cues in auditory identification of Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, and Russian language of origin„. Language and Speech, by Jacek Kudera, Irina Stenger, Bernd Möbius, Tania Avgustinova, and Dietrich Klakow.

New journal paper by C1 and A4!

A paper by members of projects C1 and A4 has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America:
„The combined effects of contextual predictability and noise on the acoustic realisation of German syllables“. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, by Omnia Ibrahim, Ivan Yuen, Marjolein van Os, Bistra Andreeva, Bernd Möbius.

LangSci talk by Lisa Beinborn on July 21st!

In our next LangSci colloquium, Lisa Beinborn from the Computational Linguistics & Text Mining Lab at VU Amsterdam will give a talk on „Cognitive Plausibility of Representational Transfer

The virtual talk will take place on July 21st at 16:15!

LangSci talk by Michael Carl today, on July 7th!

In our next LangSci talk, Michael Carl from the Department of Classical and Modern Language Studies at Kent State University will talk about „Translation Process Research and the Changing Notion of Representation

The talk will take place as a hybrid event in A2.2 room 2.02 and via MS Teams at 16:15!

New paper accepted at Interspeech 2022

New paper accepted at the Interspeech Conference 2022 in Incheon (Korea) by Badr M. Abdullah, Bernd Möbius & Dietrich Klakow called „Integrating form and meaning: A multi-task learning model for acoustic word embeddings“.

LangSci talk by Jonathan Berant on June 30th!

Jonathan Berant from The Blavatnik School of Computer Science at Tel-Aviv University will talk about „Compositional generalization in the era of pre-trained language models“.

The talk will be held via Zoom at 16:15!

Continued funding of SFB 1102!

The German Research Foundation has granted the SFB 1102 funding for another period of four years. The SFB 1102 will receive about 14 million euros that, amongst other things, will be used to financially support 35 young researchers.

LangSci talk by Sebastian Schuster on June 23rd!

In our next LangSci talk, Sebastian Schuster from the Center of Data Science & Department of Linguistics at New York University will talk about „How contextual are contextual language models?“.

The talk will take place in A2.2 room 2.02 at 16:15!


Posters and talks by members of the SFB1102 @ICHL25!

Various members of the SFB1102 will present their posters and talks at this year’s „25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics
at the Faculty of Linguistics, Philology, and Phonetics at the University of Oxford from 1 to 5 August 2022!

The following posters and talks will be presented:

Poster: Relative Clause Adjacency as a Characteristic of 18th Century German by Sophia Voigtmann and Katrin Ortmann

Poster: Word formation patterns reflecting discipline-specific communicative needs in scientific writing throughout the 20th century by Katrin Menzel

Talk: A phylogenetic model of trade-offs in strategies for determining ‚who did what to whom‘ by Annemarie Verkerk, Luigi Talamo and Natalia Levshina

Talk: A global phylogenetic test of over 150 putative typological universals by Annemarie Verkerk, Hannah Haynie, Simon Greenhill, Olena Shcherbakova, Hedvig Skirgård and The Grambank Consortium

New publication by B1

New publication by members of project B1 was published in „In Lege artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow“.

Synthetic and analytic adjective negation in English scientific journal articles: A diachronic perspective“ by Katrin Menzel, Marie-Pauline Krielke and Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb.
