Two LangSci talks by Haim Dubossarsky and Jet Hoek on March 11th and March 14th!
In our next LangSci talk Haim Dubossarsky, Lecturer in NLP at Queen Mary University of London, will give a talk on „Frontiers and Gaps in Lexical Semantic Change Research„.
The talk will take place as a hybrid event in building A 2.2, room 2.02 and on MS Teams on Tuesday, March 11th, at 3.30pm!
The same week Jet Hoek, Assistant Professor at the Department of Language and Communication at Radboud University Nijmegen, will give a talk on „Not all discourse is created equal: On the effects of discourse structure on coreference„.
The talk will take place as a hybrid event in building A 2.2, room 2.02 and on MS Teams on Friday, March 14th, at 9.15am!